Raising Awareness for Lung Cancer

By participating in the Lung Cancer Breathin' for a Reason, One Breath Bubble Challenge, you are showing your support for people affected by lung cancer all over the world.

Did You Know?

We have made amazing progress with new treatments that are better tolerated and more effective for those with lung cancer. Below are some facts that may take you by surprise....we have made strides, but have a lot of work yet to do!

of lung cancer cases are in non-smokers
If you are in this age range and have a 20 pack year smoking history, get SCREENED for lung cancer!
2.2 mins
someone around the world is diagnosed with lung cancer
is the reduction in DEATH from lung cancer because of screening
of all eligible patients in the USA actually get screened for lung cancer. We NEED to do better!
women, both who did and did not smoke, will be diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime
People in the USA have a diagnosis of lung cancer right now. It is COMMON and OK to talk about!
more Black than White men will be diagnosed with lung cancer, if all risk factors are equal

Why One Breath?

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, but in reality lung cancer needs to be thought about all year long!  Lung cancer is COMMON, so most people have personally known someone with this disease. With the goal of raising awareness, our committed team of top lung cancer experts and industry leaders, in partnership with the American Cancer Society and National Lung Cancer Round Table have created a fun social media challenge. This challenge is easy, fun to do with family and friends and incorporates breathing in order to demonstrate the importance of breath and lung health. We hope this challenge will get people talking and learning about lung cancer with a goal to raise funds which will advance lung cancer research that is desperately needed.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to create more lung cancer survivors by improving lung cancer screening, as well as encouraging biomarker testing, decreasing the stigma associated with a lung cancer diagnosis and driving funding to support research.

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raising awareness for Lung Cancer


We are here to stand against lung cancer

With your support in the Lung Cancer Breathin' For a Reason: One Breath Bubble Challenge, we can raise awareness for lung cancer in the following ways:

  • If you have lung cancer, make sure to get your biomarkers tested so that you can get the best therapy for YOUR tumor as that will improve survival.  
  • Encourage those who qualify for lung cancer screening to get screened.
  • The stigma, guilt and shame surrounding lung cancer needs to go away. Nobody deserves lung cancer and it is COMMON! We need to build a supportive community around this disease so that isolation, fear and embarrassment are replaced by encouragement, hope and research.

We have a long way to go to ensure everyone knows the criteria for lung cancer screening and what screening entails.

Only 5.8% on average (ranging from 1% to 16.3% depending on which state you live in) of people eligible for lung cancer screening actually get their scan!
As screening improves, lung cancer is being diagnosed at an earlier and more treatable stage with better options and survival

What is a Biomarker?


Biomarkers are how we look to see if the genetics of someone's lung cancer would be best treated with a therapy targeted at a specific genetic mutation.


Not every person diagnosed with lung cancer has a mutation, but when one is present, the targeted therapy works very well and improves survival by a lot!


It is very important that if you get a biopsy for lung cancer, that if cancer is found they test for biomarkers. This testing can be done on biopsy tissue, in blood or both.


Download our social media kit to upload your own photos and show how you #BlowUpTheConversation about lung cancer.

Find out how you can raise awareness


See how we are making a difference

By using our social media kit, you are helping to raise awareness for lung cancer all around the world.

Download our social media kit
Add the following hashtags to your photos and videos!
Post to social media and tag your family and friends to spread awareness
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